Defining What is the problem I have to solve? What are the main ideas? What information do I need? What do I already know? What more do I need to find out? How can I use focus questions to help me organise the task? What are the keywords that will help me? | |
Locating Where can I find the information I need? Which sources best meet my needs? Which sources do I already have? Where can I find those resources I don't have? Do I need help to find the resources? Do I need help to access or use these resources? | |
Selecting How can I search these sources effectively? Are there any clues and cues to help me? Which main ideas am I looking for? Which search terms will help me find these? How will I know that the information is recent, relevant, accurate and unbiased? How will I record the information I find? How will I credit my sources? | |
Organising How can I organise this information so that I can understand it better? Does it need to be in a special order? How can I arrange it so that it is easily understood by others? Have I solved the problem? Have I answered my focus questions? Do I need more information? | |
Presenting What is the purpose of the presentation? Which would be the best format to meet these needs? What do I need to do with this presentation? Have I included everything I want to share? | |
Assessing What have I learned from this? Did I answer my focus questions? Did I use the rubric to ensure I did all the things I needed to do? Did I manage my time well? How have my skills improved? Which parts did I do really well? Which parts would I change if I did the assignment again? Which parts do I need support with in the future? | |
Reflecting How have my knowledge and understanding changed? What will I remember for the rest of my life? How does it help me make sense of the world? Now that I know this, how can I use it? |