Why Information Literacy?
Our students will live in a world where the only certainty will be change. If they are to manage their lives fulfil their dreams they will need to become independent lifelong learners able to make intelligent and informed decisions.
Therefore, we are committed to helping our students develop the skills needed to
- access and use resources in print, pictorial and electronic formats
- understand and use effective and efficient research strategies
- select, interpret, evaluate and use information from all sources and media
- expand their own knowledge base and understanding of the world and its people
- think critically and make decisions according to personal needs, beliefs and values as well as factual evidence
- share information and opinions and be able to justify these through reasonable argument
- understand and respect the values and beliefs of other cultures
What is Information Literacy?
If you are information literate, you are able to
- know when you have a need for information
- find the information you need
- evaluate it and use it effectively to meet your needs
- reflect on it and where appropriate assimilate it into your existing knowledge
- apply it to solve similar problems in new situations
- use it to construct new information
How can I become information literate?
The Information Literacy Process is a guide to help you meet your information needs. It is a process which can be used whenever information is required, and modified to meet your needs and circumstances. It is based on how we believe you learn and encourages you to become an independent, lifelong learner.